We deal with every customs procedure and guide your business throughout each stage of the import process. We will allow you to carry out an ex ante product cost analysis, by providing customs assistance even before you have placed a purchase order from third countries. That way you can acquire a prior knowledge of due duties, potential bilateral agreements that might result in cost reduction, duty reliefs, or import restrictions.
We will handle the necessary documentation to be produced to and requested from foreign suppliers. Our operators will draft and thoroughly check your import customs declaration which will then be signed by highly experienced customs officers. Import operations can be carried out both at the custom and at our customers own warehouses, with the authorization of the National Customs Agency. Moreover, we hold the authorized consignee status which enables us to further simplify the customs clearance process.

- Definitive Importations
- Inward processing
- Temporary admission

- Returned goods relief
- VAT warehousing
- Re-importation

- Customs warehousing
- Electronic AD
- Container clearance
Being an Authorized Economic Operator means that both we and our customers can benefit from a number of direct and indirect advantages such as:
- Reduced controls on your goods
- In-house customs clearance
- Priority treatment of goods if selected for controls
- Easier access to customs simplifications
- Mutual recognition

Thanks to the AEO status our clients have a number of benefits including less controls, priority goods examining, easiest access to customs simplifications, mutual recognition etc.
It is easier for our customers to become eligible and apply for the AEO certification since they will automatically acquire - through us - the necessary practical standards and customs expertise.
We offer consultancy for every customs related issue and assist our clients throughout their AEO and Approved Exporter applications. We offer our guidance to obtain customs warehousing and VAT authorizations.